Northern Mississippi: Smith’s Incursion

Major-General William T. Sherman and his Federal Army of the Tennessee had reached their objective by capturing and destroying Meridian, Mississippi. Sherman expected to link with Brigadier-General William Sooy Smith’s 7,000 Federal cavalry troopers at Meridian and then continue eastward to possibly threaten the factory town of Selma, Alabama. But Smith was delayed in getting out of western Tennessee, and Sherman had heard nothing from him.

Smith’s command did not leave its base at Collierville until February 11, which was 10 days behind schedule and one day after Smith was supposed to have met with Sherman. In the first week of Smith’s expedition, his men covered less than half the projected 25 miles per day, even though they only met light resistance from the main Confederate force in the region (under Major-General Nathan Bedford Forrest). Part of Smith’s delay involved tending to the fugitive slaves streaming into his lines for protection. Another part involved making frequent stops to destroy railroads and farms. Smith finally reached Okolona, Mississippi, on the 18th.

Sherman, overseeing the destruction of Meridian, stated “that in consequence of hearing nothing from General Sooy Smith he may change somewhat his former plans.” He canceled the planned drive on Selma and ordered his forces to prepare to head back to their base at Vicksburg. Sherman’s Federals began pulling out of Meridian on the 20th. During their 17-day rampage through Mississippi, they sustained just 170 casualties (21 killed, 68 wounded, and 81 missing). The infantry headed northwest toward Canton, while the cavalry was sent to find Smith’s lost command.

During this time, Forrest assembled his 2,500 Confederate troopers at West Point, about 30 miles south of Smith’s Federals at Okolona. Advance elements of both forces began clashing between the two towns on the 19th, as Forrest developed a plan to draw the Federals into West Point and trap them between the narrow stretch of land between Oktibbeha Creek and the Tombigbee River.

Elements of Smith’s force skirmished with part of Forrest’s command at Prairie Station, about 15 miles north of West Point, on the 20th. As the Federals tried pushing south toward the town, more Confederates joined the fray, including a brigade led by Forrest’s brother, Colonel Jeffrey E. Forrest, near Aberdeen. Smith knocked the Confederates back, and his men entered West Point just as General Forrest hoped.

Brig Gen W.S. Smith | Image Credit:

When Smith received word that Major-General Stephen D. Lee’s Confederate cavalry was coming to reinforce Forrest, he had second thoughts about staying at West Point. Citing illness, Smith turned command over to the next ranking officer, Brigadier-General Benjamin H. Grierson. But when Grierson planned to continue southward, Smith resumed command and ordered a withdrawal to the north. Smith wanted to protect his supply train and the growing number of slaves following his troopers.

Colonel Forrest’s men pursued and met up with Smith’s Federals on the morning of the 21st. The Confederates staged a fighting withdrawal, pulling the Federals farther south into the narrow stretch of land where General Forrest hoped to trap them. The Confederates then counterattacked, but the Federals put up a stiff resistance and repulsed two charges.

Sensing that this was a “trap set for me by the rebels,” Smith ordered another withdrawal, despite outnumbering the enemy two-to-one. The Federals formed a rear guard and withdrew across the Oktibbeha. This ensured that Smith’s cavalry would not link with Sherman’s army. General Forrest arrived with the rest of his force and ordered a pursuit that continued into the next day.


  • Foote, Shelby, The Civil War, A Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian. New York: Vintage Civil War Library, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group (Kindle Edition), 2011.
  • Long, E.B. with Long, Barbara, The Civil War Day by Day. New York: Da Capo Press, Inc., 1971.
  • Sherman, William T., Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, Vol. I. New York: D. Appleton and Co. (Kindle Edition), 1889.
  • Stanchak, John E. (Patricia L. Faust ed.), Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.

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